So, the other day I go to sign on to check my mail. Can't connect to the server. Hmm... that's odd. Call Comcast. Jimmy didn't pay the bill. Oopsie! Call him at work, he gets online and pays the bill. Still no connectivity. Call them, they say they're resetting me and I should be online. WELL! Eight friggin' calls to them later, it still ain't working! Finally today, I got a halfway intelligent representative that said, "Well wait, your router probably got messed up when we disconnected you. Let me connect you to your router company's tech line." It took over an hour, and then some additional tweaking from me, but I seem to be online once again!!!!!!!!
But now I'm totally bloggerwhelmed, because I've missed an entire two and a half days of reading your blogs. So please forgive me for not being there to read them lately. I'll try and catch up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck. At least you don't have a weeks worth like I had!
OH they have any idea how close they came to a painful death! How dare they deny you your constitutional righ to BLOGGING! That is cruel and unusual punishment for sure. Glad you're back! Oh and are you sure you're sis just cut your internet line?
Better git ta steppin!
Sometimes I think I could take a chissel and a rock to do it faster than this computer. Heee Kathy
I was just about to start a post called
"Where the Freaking Shit is Tiney?"
I was going to say that you were preparing dinner for Obama and McCain as they pass through.
You gots bloggy bling at my place.
I just hate it when sh*t like that happens to me. Welcome back!
Yay!! You're back. You've been missed, Justiney!! Hurry hurry and catch up!!
Be a speedy sweetie,
Shelia :)
Boy I was getting ready to put your face on milk cartons girl !!! glad your back...Hugs and smiles Gloria
Thanks for the b-day wishes Justine....and you're right...I didn't have anything close to double d's on my best day! God bless you when you get old my friend lol. You're gonna need a crane!
I was wondering where the heck you were. Last I heard you were going to get some tests done on you legs. How did that go?
Well. welcome back, I missed you.
Oh I hate when that happens!
I'm behind too and am starting to think I'll never catch up!
Jeez Jimmy! Get with the program! Glad you're back. Did you get the shakes from computer withdrawl? I would have...
Well I was missing in action for over a week,so 2.5 days isn't so bad. Except I would go nuts with out my online access. I certainly know how you must have felt!
Ohhh! Well, so glad youre back! about that angry comment I left on your earlier post............... ignore it, OK?
Oh NOOOOOOO.... i was wondering what happened to you... Dam tech support.. good thing you finally hooked up with someone that the light went on... or you'd still be fighting them... Well I don't know about anyone else but you need to stay up for two days and read everything you missed...LOL LOL Hope your feeling better... How is that swollen peg of yours doing??? Let us know I am concerned for you...
Love Ya,
ack!! glad you're back!! :)
Dontcha hate when that happens??
When my internet goes down I go insane. I cannot stand it when I cannot get on the computer. It makes me want to pull my hair out.
Although it sucked that you were not posting, I am glad to know it was just a comcast issue and that the CPAP machine didnt eat your face or something.
By the way; You've been boo'ed!! Come to blog to see what the heck I am talking about. :)
cutest baby you ever did see on my blog tonight!
Computers and internet connections can be sooooo frustrating! Glad to have you back ~ I bet you were going stir crazy! :o)
Don't worry about backreading. Just ignore the back blogs and start up fresh...otherwise it's too overwhelming. :o)
Glad you're back!
Glad you're back! I have had interruption of utilities like that before, so feel for you.
Check out my Batty Story post. It is another poop story.
Just popping over to wish you a Happy Halloween with my new costume on!
shitty!!!!! have fun with Jill this weekend!
You haven't been around? I haven't noticed.
Hope you and Jill will be joining us at the Blogge'ville ball~~~I don't think you'll be disappointed;) (he he he) French;)
When my daughter lived in Florida she had to deal with Comcast. Long story short, they suck big time.