Monday, September 8, 2008

It Was a Cyber Orgy Party...

...Of votes and I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you hear me bloggers? I WON the SITS Girls Recipes contest! I don't even know how to begin thanking all of you out there who voted for me. I never win anything so it really came as a shock to me when I received an email from someone I didn't even know this morning, congratulating me. When I went to the SITS site and saw the news for myself, I nearly pooped myself! I shit you not. Heeheehee.

Just a quick reminder of what you all have won for me. A $100 gift certificate to Williams Sonoma (ooh FUN!) and a digital camera! Is this not fantabulous? :::::::::::::::Me doing the happy dance::::::::::::::: And Dot, may I please squeal like a sissy girl? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

43 "Sister" Lovin' Friends Said:

  • Unknown

    I was just coming over to congratulate you! Yeah! A new camera, I'm so jealous!
    What have you decided about re-naming your blog? I was thinking stick w/ Justine's Cafe and give yourself a tag line like "A fully Eclectic Menu". This would show that you write about a variety of things and it would match your URL.

  • Lisa

    Congrats! At least all my time online isn't a complete waste.

    I like Elizabeths idea about that tagline.

  • Nancy Jane

    Congratulations! It really is an excellent recipe. Glad the contest has ended, because now I can safely say that the house smells like garlic for a week or 2! lol
    Elizabeth's tag is a really cool idea! Congratulations again. Nancy

  • Lisa (aka) French

    Yipeeeeeeee!!! Congrats girl so happy for you;) French

  • niartist

    Congrats on winning! I knew you would! :)

    Wish I could have had that sort of excitement buzzing on my blog contest. To think, $200 FREE DOLLARS and it was like pulling teeth. Anyway ...

    You thought I'd just plop a table down!? Come on Justine, you know me better than that! LOL!

  • SmilingSally

    Congratulations! My, my what pictures you'll be taking now.

  • Penny

    Congrats Justine! We knew you could do it girl!

    I like elizabeth's suggestion about your name. Honestly, I've always liked Justine's Cafe. You know what they say, "if the shoe fits, wear it!"

  • Four in Costa Rica

    Congratulations Just! Have a fun time shopping with your winnings.

  • Anonymous

    Hahahahahahah!!! LOL... ROFLMAO!!! You almost shit yourself??? I shit you not??? LOL!!! Congrats you maniac!!! LOL

    I am soooo happy for you!

    Big Blog Hugs!!!!!

  • onlymehere

    Congratulations!!!!! Glad to help out. Just a comment on your comment to me......I probably do have a little bit of an obsessive personality when I feel passionate about something! My kids are always asking me about things about 9/11 so I thought I'd document a few of the stories that they like to hear me tell them, plus being election year I think it is so important for all Americans to remember. I actually would like to see 9/11 become a national day of rememberance. Not a holiday but a day of remembrance. My son was in the Army reserves and maybe that's what helped cement this in me, who knows. His car accident and the slew of problems after was severe enough that he was discharged so in a small way I understand the military families.

  • Karen

    Congrats! Enjoy your prizes. I know that all of us who read and enjoy your blog are happy for you!

  • Bridget

    Congrats, You have the bestest bloggy friends...including me! hehehe

    Elizabeth's suggestion for your blog name here is a good one.

  • Raxx - A day in the life

    Wooo hoo!! I'm so happy for you! our girl won!! You deserve it!! I'm smiling from ear to ear too! goin now to check the site!!

  • Anonymous

    Good job !!


  • Buffie

    Oh yeah~~uh-huh-~~doing the happy dance too~~~ now the cabbage patch~~~whoohoo~~raise the roof now~~~high fives~~~ oh yeah~~~ DAY-YUM, I am SOOOOOO happy for you girl, and you derseve it~~~~

  • Anonymous

    Woo Hoo! Jumping up and down, but not too much, I will pee!! LOL clap clap clap!! Justiney, congratulations !! I'm so proud for you!! Yay yay yay!! I'm really thrilled you won! You're the bestest!
    Be a proud sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  • Naz

    CONGRATULATIONS..!!!!! I'm thrilled that you won. Big smiles here for you. Enjoy your gift certificate and the new cam. Well done. xoxoxoxo

  • nikkicrumpet

    I'm so glad you won...but I'm not surprised...I really think you deserved it!

  • SG

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

    I'm so happy for you. Well done!

    Now take that gift certificate and buy all the people who voted for you something from Williams Sonoma. lol.

  • Anonymous

    Congratulations, do you want those dollar bills back now??????

    Only kidding, I'm sure your recipe is wonderful but I'm not going to try it until you try MY steak and kidney pudding.

    So does Mikayla get your old camera now? Heaven help us here in blogland!

  • Kathy

    Excellent Justine, you won, I knew you would and what a perfect prize, enjoy enjoy and congrats again. Kathy

  • Tootsie

    I am so very proud of you. You deserve every minute of the happiness you are having right now. Big hugs to you and a huge high five girl...congratulations

  • artis1111

    I posted on the old post EARLY!! Congrats again!! ~~~~~Kathy

  • bmwgal1948

    Congrats. on winning. I second schmeckygirl's idea. I love Williams Sonoma!


  • Anonymous

    What did you win? A new set of High Brows? Kidding! I have been out of blogland,besides-I can not keep up with all of these great blogs. It is killin me,killin me .
    Who cleans your house? Can I have that funky vase that you posted a while back on HGTV?

  • imjacobsmom

    Glad you won - I knew you would! Think of all the great stuff you can get at Wiliams-Sonoma! You kick Ass! ~ Robyn

  • Linda - Behind My Red Door

    Cool - do you get a prize and do we get to share it with you??!!:-)

  • Anonymous

    Hi Justiney! I'm so glad you won!! Glad you liked my tea party!!
    Yes, I cut my bangs and I like them!! I wisped them like you said! My camera died :( and I just bought a new one, so I haven't had time to learn how to use it. When I do I'll send you one.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  • Life on the Edge

    I already congratulated you last night, but this still just rocks my socks off! Woohoo! Can't wait to see what you bought with the gift card and to check out your new camera!


  • Rela Pantaleon

    Hey, remember I told you I just cooked your recipe yesterday? I took a picture and made a post about it in my blog :) with the modifications I did.

    Congratulations again!!!

  • Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden

    Hip Hip Horray!! Hip Hip Horray!!! Can't wait to see what you buy and take pics of.


  • Anonymous

    Morning, Justiney!! Now when are you going to get to shopping with your prize money!! Can't wait to see what you buy!
    Boy Howdy, honey, you already know me pretty well. Yep, I was standing on my chair taking shots of my table!! I'm so used to climbing, been do it a long time!! Glad you liked my table.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  • onlymehere

    Justine, in your comment to me you used the exact same thought that is in my post for tomorrow! Great minds think alike they say! Watch your mailbox Wed or possibly Thurs. I mailed them yesterday. The factory had me run it to the post office really fast so it went at night when it's cooler. I'll send details in an email later since there was no time to put a note in the box! Hope you like it.

  • jojillia

    Justine, How are you. great job on your win!!! Hey just to let you know lon is back on rms and he left me a message on my space. After how violent he became, I thought I would warn you. love J

  • Mafe Molinari

    Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you...

  • mrsben

    Lets all do the HAPPY DANCE together for Justine! Shake your boogie, do a few twirls and shout
    "Congrautlations Girl"!

    Sincerely happy that you won.
    Hugs -Brenda-

  • Anonymous

    Morning, Justiney!! Have you gone shopping yet? You may have not gotten your goodie money yet. Oh, I know, you know me ~ I'm a silly!! You know what? You're the gal I want to keep around ~ you make me feel so good about myself! In your own words ~ Mawah!!

    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  • onlymehere

    Justine, thanks. Your comment today on my post really touched me. On a different note, I can hardly wait to see what you do with your new camera!

  • Raxx - A day in the life

    Hey Tiney what's up? You gotta post something new, it's time!!

    Now that youre a celebrity contest winner you dont have time for your old friends huh?

  • squawmama

    Congradulations to you Justine... What a way to go and winning such a neat prize... Good for you and your site is so awesome...Love it!


  • Anonymous

    OH Justine Girl I am doing my Happy dance for you...How great is this?? you do have my address now to send my part of money don't you??I mean I spend all day voting for you... Way to go girl!!! Hugs and Smiles Gloria

  • Anonymous

    Oh my goodness...congratulations!
    You've got some wonderful prizes.

    Have a lovely day!

  • Rhea

    You go, girlfriend, you rock!!