Friday, October 30, 2009

Eat, Drink, and Be Scary. Kind Of.

Okay it's true. I'm a total loser mom when it comes to Halloween. It's just not one of my favorite "holidays". True, it's fun to watch the kids have a blast, but all this race to get the perfect costume that will only be worn for a few hours then tossed aside... well, it just goes against the grain for me.

I've been by so many blogs lately that are showing off their Halloween kitchen confections and I'm just blown away by their creativity. And let's face it. I'm blown away by the fact that they want to do this stuff.

Of course, sometimes the best laid plans don't work out the way you've intended.

Francesca, over at Mayhem and Moxie set out to make these adorable spider cupcakes with her two adorable toddlers.

She even took the time to video her children decorating their cupcakes. The funny part was that while she was helping one kid, the other kid was eating all the decorations off her cupcake.

They turned out looking like this.

Mama Kat decided she'd get creative with cookie dough and make cookies in the shape of pumpkins, then layer with ice cream for a Halloweeny treat.

Her cookies came out of the oven looking something like this.

Okay, I'll admit, they weren't quite that bad and in the end the kids loved them so they're nothing to get your broom in a twist about.

Lolli, over at Better in Bulk got creative with a bundt cake and made it into a pumpkin.

Nice, right?

Yeah, that's not Lolli's cake. I don't have a picture of her cake because it was on video. It was super cute, but a little on the wet side. Kind of drippy and oozy.

Now Angie from Seven Clown Circus did something that's a bit more my speed. Mummy hot dogs. Uh huh, she took the time to wrap refrigerated dough around hot dogs and somehow made her kids think she was totally cool in the process.

So, I was supposed to be blogging about what I've done in the kitchen to make Halloween a spooktacular time in my house. I can't though because I haven't done a damn thing. When my parents and Jill and the girls come here tomorrow for the festivities? This is as good as it will get.

Hey, we're all about tradition here. Don't judge!

Pssst! If you love me, you might love my stupid sister more. Go visit her at Jill's Believe it or Not, and tell her I sent you!

16 "Sister" Lovin' Friends Said:

  • Secondary Roads

    The pizza looks good on a cold rainy day like this. Since the family with kids moved out of the neighborhood, Haloween is just another night. We do keep an extra bag of Tootsie Rolls handy just in case . . .

  • Unknown

    I've made the mummy hot dogs before, I know you could do it. But pizza and ice cream is a great tradition, too.

  • Grand Pooba

    Haha! I had a feeling you could out do everyone else!

  • Margaret

    Sounds like what I will be doing for Halloween

  • Swirl Girl

    Did you know the 2nd busiest day for Pizza delivery is Halloween?? Like the kids need to carbo-load before the sugar coma sets in.

    1st busiest day is Superbowl .

    I'm just full of fun facts like that!

  • xinex

    I am with you, Justine! I do not create any Halloween treats either cause nobody even comes trick or treating here. Last year we had 1, hardly worth buying any candies either but I buy a few and I end up eating most of it. I do decorate a little bit indoors though....Christine

  • Anonymous

    All those cutesy recipes look way to time consuming for me.

  • santamaker

    Your family sounds like a great bunch ... I bet they'd pass out if you went all out, huh? Hope you all have a great time, don't forget to video tape, so we can share some of that family bonding that you're famous for! Happy Halloweenie , Teenie!

  • Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide

    Hey, nothing wrong with pizza, my kids would rather have that than a drippy cake any day!

  • Unknown

    Hi Justine,
    Do not feel bad I could bake to save my life. I like your meal you are going to serve :) Those cupcakes where funny and I just love the mummy hot dogs.

  • Liz Mays

    Based on everything I've seen here, yours is the house I'd visit, for the food and for you. I heart you.

  • HeatherF1

    No Martha Stewart over here, either. The kids made cookies today...the kind that you get in a tube, cut, and place on the cookie sheet. And they did it all by themselves. I keep telling them I am making them independent. My oldest (11 years old) told me today that he thinks I am trying to make him into a sous chef so if my husband dies I will have someone to cook for me. Nice. This was after he whipped up his breakfast.

  • Ginger

    I used to do all that good stuff when the kids were little. Now, I don't do a thing. Nothing ever comes out right...the altitude or something.
    My cookies look like MamaKat's...flat as a pancake. Still taste good though. My cakes flop in the middle.
    I like your idea of pizza....that's the best!!

  • Unknown

    Hilarious! I would have killed for some good pizza and store-bought pie tonight. I'm tired of being in the kitchen! ;)

  • Claremont First Ward

    I LOVE this post. I love pizza. I love oreo stuff. I'm heading over. You have left overs, right?

  • Cathy

    The Oreo kids can eat this is one quick bite so we now make it ourselves.. Crush oreos in a zip lock..very theraputic... then dump a gallon of cookie ice cream on top..then top with whip cream and drizzle chocalate syrup.. top with a few extra oreos and freeze... your own tub of Cookies and cream pie..