Monday, December 8, 2008

My Snow Ball Princess

This past Friday evening, Madison's school celebrated the season by having a father/daughter dance that they called the Snow Ball. This filled Madison with excitement and joy, but also nerves, as she and daddy missed the "dance practice" they'd held at the school. Poor thing was afraid she would look stupid compared to the other kids. As IF!

Professional pictures were taken upon their arrival, but we haven't received them yet. But not to worry, Mommy was ready with her handy dandy camera again! Too bad you can't make out Jimmy's tie. It's got cute little reindeer all over it.

At first glance, it appears that Madison is wearing socks. Would I put my child in a fancy schmancy dress and then put socks on her legs? No! It's just an illusion from the tulle at the bottom of the dress. Oh, and please excuse the various crap on the floor. It was stuff from around the family room that got displaced when I decorated for Christmas. It's gone now!

I love love love the way Madison looks in these next two pictures. Is it totally disgusting and conceited to say my daughter is gorgeous?

And how could this one not make your heart melt like fudge? As much as Jimmy and I have our disagreements (about everything!), one thing is for certain... he loves his girls, and is a wonderful daddy!

They both had such a good time on their "date", and even came home with a snow globe that you can insert a picture into. Obviously that's not them. I told ya we didn't get the pictures back yet. Weren't you listening to me?

Wow, was this like the shortest post in Tiney's Froggy Bloggy history???

29 "Sister" Lovin' Friends Said:

  • Anonymous

    AWWW, Daddy and daughter dance, how wonderful. She is just beautiful and Daddy looks so proud of her. It's great that he took the time to be with her. I know she was proud of him too. I think this is the sweetest post I have ever seen you do. I love your fireplace too.

    Love Ya,

  • Anonymous

    yep they look a great couple. So what happens with the boys at the school? Do they have to go with their Mums or do they have to dance with their Dads too?

    It wouldn't happen here - too many 'Real Men' or so they think to go dressing up and dancing heaven forbid!

  • The Muse

    Simply precious photos!
    I am sure you all were so proud!

  • Tootsie

    love the sock comment! lol....she was beautiful!

  • Bridget

    A pretty, pretty Snow Princess indeed!

  • Gucci Mama

    Very sweet. She's totally gorgeous...even if you did put her in a fancy dress and tube socks. Heh.

  • Lisa (aka) French

    You have every right to brag and boast she is truly gorgeous and I am not just saying that! What a wonderful memory for her to have for years to come;) French

  • ~♥~ Monica S

    SHE DOES look adorable!!! Such a beautiful picture that last one when she kisses her daddy's cheek! :-) That's one for the wall!!


  • imjacobsmom

    Justine, Madison looks just darling in her dress. What a fun idea a father/daughter dance. How sweet of Jimmy to take her. I bet they had the best time and she had nothing to worry about at all. ~ Robyn

  • Anonymous

    Madison is an Angel!!!!!!!!!! She looked stunning and very very happy!

    Donna Marie

  • Jill

    Beautiful pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! They both look great! The pic of them with the silly faces is a classic!

  • Jill

    Beautiful pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! They both look great! The pic of them with the silly faces is a classic!

  • Life on the Edge

    Awww! Yes you have every right to say she is gorgeous because she sure is! Jimmy looks like one happy dad! What sweet pics of them, and a time she will always remember spent with her dad!


  • Rachelle

    Wow Justine ~ she looks beautiful! The boys will be beating down her door in a few years! I'm glad they had a good time ~ very sweet post.

  • Anonymous

    Hi Justiney! Oh, how precious your little darling is. She is gorgeous! Your hubby looks cute too! I'm so glad they had a great time. This is good for Daddy's and little daughters to have some 'special moments' together!
    I wanna see your decorations. Your mantle looks pretty! Oh, this makes me miss my children when they were little. That said, I'm over that feeling now! lol
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  • Buffie

    Oh how pretty Madison looks in her dress!!! And the one of her and Jimmy, where she's kissing his cheek, priceless!

    Buffie :)

  • Kathy

    Awww. Madison sure is beautiful, her dress is perfect I love the colour and Jimmy looks really proud and quite right too.

  • squawmama

    Wow Justine... Doesn't that just make your heart want to burst with pride??? Madison is gorgeous and I loved all the pictures of her & Jimmy... But my very favorite is the one with Jimmy looking up... That is so precious... He is looking pretty good with his weight loss... But don't tell him I said that... Wouldn't want him to get FAT head... What's that??? He already has one...LOL LOL Tell Madison that I think she was beautiful and give her a big hug from me... Can't wait to see the formal picture...

    Love YA,

  • jill jill bo bill

    That is so wonderful! Your hubby is a cutie and that daughter---Lock the doors and get the guns. She is a knock out.

  • Anonymous

    Oh how little girls love their daddy's.

  • Sue

    Justine your sweetie is just beautiful and her Daddy ain't bad looking either!! I bet they had a blast at the dance, there is something very special about a girl and her Daddy!! xoxo

  • Anonymous

    Just wanted to tell you I live in a small house, it's only 2000 Sq Ft living space. Some of my trees are tabletop. My last house was big, so that's whay I have so much stuff. LOL

    Love Ya,

  • Anonymous

    Morning, Justiney! Aw, thank you so much for the sweet compliment!
    You're the bestest!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  • Naz

    Madison looks just like a beautiful princess. How precious!!!

  • Unknown

    SHe really is beautiful and carries herself like a young lady. Jimmy looks great, too; he's really melting away!

  • Picket

    Ohhhh girl she is adorable!!!!! Wow your hubby has lost so much weight! Good for him! Thanks for coming by you know I come over here...but if you invite me I know it is sorta 'safe' but if I just wonder over here I usually have to be helped up off the floor with some smelling salts! lol lol You know I love ya girl..have a great day! ♥

  • niartist

    Oh how precious! They both look so cute! :)

  • Rhea

    Those pictures are ADORABLE! Too sweet.

  • SG

    She really is a beautiful little girl. yes, I've seen these pics before but I enjoyed looking at them again. The pic of her and Jimmy where he's being silly is priceless. I love it!

    And seeing her in those short knee socks again, well I just cracked up! It really looks like she is wearing tube socks! But she's so cute it wouldn't matter. I want to see the pics from the dance!!!