I started my Christmas decorating but didn't finish it. I can't seem to get myself motivated... can't find my Ho Ho Ho. I'm all Ho-Hum. Waaaaaaaaaaa
I'm blaming it all on my Thanksgiving holiday ending on a totally crap note. Lately the great food just isn't worth the aggravation, frustration and barely veiled put-downs.
Someone help, because my jingle has gone all AWAY.
Pssst! If you love me, you might love my
Hoping you get your bling back asap! :)
That is sad to here. I love to read what you write! Things will get better and I am sorry you didn't have a good Thanksgiving.
You don't have to publish this comment but you need out. Out. Out. Out.
Get out of that funk woman! I need stuff to read at work! lol!
if you find the cure.. let me know
Hey Chica,
Chin up.......there is more right with your life than there is wrong. {{{hugs}}}
You've been through a lot. You're allowed to give yourself a break. Just keep your chin up. I love you!
Hope the funk goes away. Tis the season to feel happy!
Awww, Tiney...it's ok to have a "down" after Thanksgiving..It's hard work and sometimes, stressful, to go thru a holiday...then, when another follows so soon, we just get downright T.I.R.E.D.
So, just know that it is ok....take a few days rest and you'll find yourself humming, "Santa Clause is coming to town!"
Love ya, bj
oops, I meant to ask how your mama is doing??
Thanksgiving is a whole year away again, does that help?
I understand the funkity, funk, funk... I was gone for 2 months because of it. It shall pass...
Okay - I have gone thru 3 pages of your blog at this point. Do I ever have a lot of catching up to do with you! Still trying to find out what happened at Thanksgiving, and also learned your Mom had a stroke and your sister is getting divorced. I don't know how much more I can take! Glad your Mom is okay and now I'm going back to read more....
know exactly how you feel!
my hip is an old injury from when my youngest was born...she was an almost 10 pound monster at birth, and when she was 6 months old, I crossed my legs and gave her the "horsey ride" that popped my right hip out...and it has never been the same since. In and out often and always sore! I am fine, almost ready to post my big reveal of a huge project that has taken up all of my blogging time! Then...on to the Christmas decorating that I am officially a month behind!
There must be something in the air cause I feel the same way. Wonder if we can skip Christmas this year? Bah Humbug....lol.
I have big dreams of decorating but I know it won't get done due to life getting in the way.. Friday night drink a blogging bloody mary with me and we will both decorate..
You'll get a lil' jingle in your step soon, I am sure of it! In fact,I feel it would be best for you to get out with one or both of your girls and have a mommy daughter day, including a pepermint inspired drink, you deserve it!!!
Hope you get your funk back...let me know how you do it, cuz mine went packing too! I'm just not in the holiday spirit this year..and I really should be given the new little addition.
Sorry about Thanksgiving...hopefully things will turn around for ya soon. I can't even get excited about farming anymore!!
Your labels to this post crack me up.
I'm right there with ya sister. I just don't feel like doing anything. I'm overwhemed and don't know where to start. I want xmas to go away.
We're going to have to get with it tho! We gotsta put on some smiles for the kiddos.
Hope you get your mojo back ASAP.
I thought funky was a good thing.
Did my toilet seat cover help you find your jingle? I can send you one if that would help!!!!