But when we are together laughter and pee pee accidents are sure to follow.
I've got a few different things to tell you about this past weekend with my family, but I'll save that for another day and instead tell you a bit about my nephew and godson, Jonny. He's always been an extremely loving, caring, affection guy, even as a baby. He has also always been a bit on the shy side. So when he took up acting in high school I never could have imagined him overcoming that shyness to become a great thespian.
Sure, I'd heard all the stories from every family member after every one of his plays. How funny he is, how he totally embraces the character he's portraying. His stage presence, etc etc etc. But I never got to see him! Me. His godmother. I am the only one in the whole damn family not to see him perform!
That is, until this past weekend. This wasn't a play, but instead a fund raiser dinner for family of the thespians. Each table would get one of the actors as their waiter or waitress while little skits from different plays and musical performances were put on.
We were not in a theater. We were not even in an auditorium. We were in a church hall of some sort with horrible lighting. But I tell you what. When my Jonny took the floor (because there was no stage to take) everything else faded away for me and all I saw was this young man exuding incredible talent that I was just now getting to see. No matter how many eyewitness accounts I'd had, there was just no way I could fathom his talent without seeing it for myself.
And oh, I saw it. I was stunned. Awed. Brought to damn tears. There he was, doing a scene with his friend Kris, using a British accent (when the hell did he learn that?) and throwing out funny lines and I? I was choked up and with wet, glassy eyes.
My nephew is friggin' brilliant.
I shit you not.
And he can SING!
I swear, the moment he steps out there he becomes a different person. His body language changes, his facial expressions change, he morphs into whomever it is he's portraying.
I honestly didn't meant to go on and on about Jonny. I was just going to post a video clip of their group musical performance and leave it at that. But then I sat here, thinking back on watching him and I just had to try and describe the way it (he) made me feel.
Old, for one.
But proud. Oh so very proud.
I present to you, Jonny, as male lead, in their group musical performance which won best in show at district level (and is going on to state soon!). I'll apologize in advance for the crap quality, but Jimmy didn't bring in the tri-pod, we were at the back, and like I mentioned earlier, their lighting sucked.
But look at him with that slick vest on!
You have to admit that their talent is incredible considering they're still in their teens, no?
I cannot wait to see his last performance as a high school student next month in their rendition of The Princess and the Pea, called Once Upon a Mattress. Once again? Jonny's got the male lead part! Woot woot!
Pssst! If you love me, you might love my
THere's something about thespians that is amazing. My first crush was on a thespian. Not that it has anything to do with this post. Thanks for sharing the video.
That is AWE~TAstic! Wowza!
it's fun to be related to that kind of talent!
--free tickets, for one -- and pride of course, too!
not too serious i hope
What a great performance! They're really good and they look like they're having so much fun up there!
I hope we'll be privy to some exclusive Once Upon a Mattress video clips!
How cool! I loved being in plays through high school and college. Such a fantastic experience!
I'm so glad that you got to see a new side of him. :-)
How cool is this Justine...I really enjoyed watching the video girl...Oh I can see why your so proud I would be also...Way to go Johnny...Thanks girl for sharing your family and fun night...Hugs and smiles Sis...Gl♥ria
Justine, that was AWESOME! What a lucky young man he is to have you for an Aunt. And Proud you should be, he is quiet talented. I hope they go great at state. Bragging rights well deserved:)
How very cool! And what an awesome aunt you are raving about your talented nephew. Thanks for sharing! :)
O, I can feel how proud you are of him. These young people can flat blow you away with the things they can do. It makes one wonder what the heck was going on when we had a chance to do some of these things! I could NEVER sing, that's for sure...but I should have followed up on acting. We had such fun in high school doing plays. ANYway, I know you are really proud of Jonny.
you must be proud of those GOLLUM DISHES, too!! Congrats on that win!!
Now, girlfriend...do some tablescapes for us!!!!! :O)
hugs, bj
Oh wow.. they're great!!!
Glad you got to go and see him perform, even if it wasn't a stage performance. Some day you might see Jonny on the big screen!!
awesome Justine! I see why you are so proud!
It is so utterly apparent how proud of him you are in this post! I hope he reads this and feels so incredibly loved.
Awesome performance as well I must say! He should pursue this thing, not many people have the cajones to get up there and do that kind of stuff! Go him!
PS If I had to pick a blogger to sit down and bullshit with one day it would totally be you. I can just imagine sittin' down with you to have a smoke and gettin' shit scared 'cause there's a dang armadillo in your yard.
That is so great! So glad that you got to see him LIVE!!!
He is friggin Fantastic Justine!!!
Cool! What a talent! Loved his dapper dude vest, too! Yes, you should be proud. He's going places...
He is beyond talented : )
You must be so proud! He was absolutely amazing, I was impressed with all of them. I wish I could see their faces a little better. What a wonderful surprise you must of had when you first saw him performing I would of been crying too!