I feel undeserving because in the past two days I've barely even opened my blog, much less read any of yours. I'm in a funk, remember?
But come on, the SS kind of flunked last week and that made me sad. So, put your scrambled, inconsistent thoughts together and come by Saturday night to link up! These are the kind of posts you don't even have to think about. Just sit down and let your fingers type whatever the hell you're thinking at the moment, or what's been driving you batty all week. It's actually kind of fun!
Pssst! If you love me, you might love my
Oh, poor Justiney! I'm sending some unfunkieness soup your way! Hope you're defunked soon!!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Justine...does this made you the "Funky Sister" You know after the month I had I could write a best sellers ha ha!! And now to top off the week Kyra needs surgery once again this time on her ears drums...it breaks my heart that some one so young can go throught so much and here I'm complaing about a bone problem...Hope you have a great weekend my friend...Don't forget Stupid Bowl is on Sunday watch the commerical and half time show ha ha!!hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hey, there. Now listen, you're experiencing Blog Guilt OR Blog Fatigue. Which is different from Blog Block, Blog Angst, Blog Rot, Blog Panic, or Blog Lethargy.
All common blogger ailments. Only cure is to let them go and pull a Scarlet O'Hara "Tomorrow is a New Day" thing. Seriously.
The pinking shears would be a good thing to add, wouldn't it?
Don't ever apologize for not reading blogs. That's silly. Blogging is supposed to be fun, not a chore. If you have a week where you don't feel like doing it, don't do it.
Although I miss your face, WE ALL understand. This is supposed to be fun, not a burden...ehh I write stupid crap, but feel like if my 22 followers <-----yeah 22! miss a day with out my random brain they might die! Infact they probably wish I didn't post so much bahaha!
Take care of you, and the girls first, then me. HAHAH j/k
Oh come on now Farmer Tiney... I know your busy building a farm & ranch empire... Along with the rest of you farmers... CHRIS!!! You know who you are! LOL Love you and will try to do your Sunday Scrabble!
Sorry, I've been wandering around your farmville. A gal could get lost over there...
Will try to remember to scramble tomorrow.
I am not into blogging either. Ever since I began my addiction to facebook, my blog has suffered.
Nothing going on in my world to post about.
Hope your stomach is feeling better.
Hope you get unfunktified soon (is that a word?) I will try to remember tomorrow about the Sunday Scramble :)
Now I can leave you another comment...lol Ok I have to go read you email to I can mclinky to your blog
hope you snap outta your funk really soon, because you are hilarious!
Since I just read your Sunday Scramble, you obviously pulled through this funky phase??? I hope so!
I don't care what you say. Strudel is freaking adorable and would NEVER cause all that trouble.
Stinky Poo did it.