Monday, January 18, 2010

I've Got Nothing But An Idea

What do you blog about when there's literally nothing interesting to say?

Well, you could tell your readers that you haven't shaved your legs since Christmas Eve, but that wouldn't be interesting. 

You could torture them further with photographic evidence...

But no, I won't do that.

I'm literally looking around me, trying to find something to write about.

Nope.  Nothin'.

So while I've got nothing of any interest to write about, let me ask you all a question.  What would you think of my making the Sunday Scramble a weekly meme, maybe with a Mr. McLinky for others to join?  Kind of like Friday Fragments, but for those of us who feel more scrambled on the weekend?

I put up a poll on the right side-bar if you want to vote there.  Let me know what you think.  And I promise that if I keep this up, I'll keep my posts must shorter than the last Scramble!

Pssst! If you love me, you might love my stupid sister more. Go visit her at Jill's Believe it or Not, and tell her I sent you!

25 "Sister" Lovin' Friends Said:

  • Gucci Mama

    I'd play along!

  • Liz Mays

    I hate mental blocks. I swear I have one day of an idea and then the rest of the month...nothing. LOL

    Actually, lots of ideas, no motivation to expand on them.

  • bj

    Hey, Justiney....I watched a movie with Jen Aniston today and her name was Justine and her hubby called her Tiney....made me laugh!
    I love that name!!

    I am always having people ask how I can post nearly every day...I don't know. Guess I post about some silly things sometimes..o, well....
    hugs, bj

  • Anonymous

    I hear ya. I am totally brain dead lately.

    Just got 'nuthin.

  • Ginger

    I have stuff to blog about but hate doing the pictures to make it more interesting.
    I think that would be good to do a Sunday scramble.

  • Anonymous

    I like meme's! (when I'm not too lazy to join in.....)

  • Cole

    I'm a dope. I keep a little notebook of ideas.

    Of course, by the time I have a minute to write - most of my ideas aren't relevant anymore.

  • Jo

    I love your posts! You make posting nothing funny! I've just given you a Sunshine award at my blog. Pop on by to collect!! :o)

  • Resh Rene`

    I voted...I'm in I would love it! And your posts don't need to be shorter...It was GREAT!
    I found myself driving back from scouts tonight thinking I will be sooo scrambled this weekend after the campout and then I thought oHHH I can so link up at Justines and blog about it BAHAHA <---I need serious help.
    Oh and you already told me about not shaving since Christmas....I think you got me beat :)

  • Sassy Pants Freckle Face

    wanted to stop by and give you a cyber hug and say ur on my roll, ;)

  • Sassy Pants Freckle Face

    where is my comment?

  • Jason, as himself

    Um. I'm pretty sure you couldn't think of anything to write this time because last time you wrote about every single freaking thing in the world.

    And I mean that in the nicest of ways.

  • As Cape Cod Turns

    I feel like all I write about in January is the weather. Blah.
    PS, love the picture of the scrambled egg head :)

  • Sassy Pants Freckle Face

    "if you build it they will come"
    Count me in I think it would be fun:)

  • Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide

    I never stick with weekly meme's, but I'll enjoy reading yours.

  • Rachelle

    I think that's a great idea! I love your Sunday Scrambles and I would participate too when I have time. Blogging has kind of taken a back seat for me lately but trying to get back on track. Not enough hours in the day I guess - although it would help if I could stay away from facebook! lol

  • Claremont First Ward

    I think it's a fantastic idea. I don't know how often I'd participate b/c I don't usually go online on Sundays, but I'll try!

  • Anonymous

    I hate my sister(Sanctimonious), AND my brother, (an alchoholic leach), can I blog about what terrible people they are? Jackie

  • Sara's Sweet Surprise

    J, I can't believe there's so many interesting things I didn't know about you.
    To think I thought you were cool merely by the fact you love GH as much as I do. Now I learn your named after a regular dancer on AB.
    She was before my time, but American Bandstander's had very close ties with all alumni. We had great respect for the (regular) dancers that paved the way before us.

    I hope you continue to share these tidbits about yourself. I'm not sure I'd have anything I could disclose that would be worth posting. Well, there is that story about my friend and I sneaking into the Donny & Marie show as ice skaters....

    Sweet wishes,

  • MJ's doghouse

    i think all your blogs are amazing...i would read anything you wrote...what are meme's and is jill coming back soon...please tell her we all miss her

  • Unknown

    Hi :)

    I think your blog posts are funny even when you write about nothing! I do not what that thing you are talking about is but I would play along.

  • Claremont First Ward

    FINALLY adding a blog button page on my blog so I get to add your cute goodness. :)

  • Mayhem and Moxie

    I'm with Yaya. Blog memes are a good thing for sure. You should give it a whirl. If it doesn't work out, you can always change your mind and back out later.

    Oh, and as for the mental block you had? Yup. I was right there with you. That is why we didn't write for about a month. Both Kacey and I literally had nothing to say.

    Not to worry, though. This too will pass. :)

  • wendy

    I am so glad you are a reader of my blog cause you crack me up. I laughed right out loud over your comment of NOT wanting to sit on my love seat as you'd probably want a clorex wipe first. Naughty you. (ah, maybe we do or maybe we don't do MORE then just watch tv there ---what do you think, I DON'T CALL HIM MR. GORGEOUS FOR NOTHING). ANYWAY, laughed right out loud.

    sometimes it seems, there just isn't much to blog about, I get that. seriously, not shaved your legs since Christmas Eve?
    do you know I don't grow underarm hair. Nope, I only shave the peach fuzz there maybe once a month.

    I don't do Mr. Linky or whatever that is actually. I try to leave my weekends post free. I do visit on the weekends though.

    wow this got long

  • Grand Pooba

    I don't get what Sunday Scramble is. Whaaaaa!